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Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE

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How Do I Register a Trademark in Dubai, UAE?

Once you have decided to register a trademark in the UAE, there are several things you need to know. Firstly, you need to know that registration is a legal requirement. In case you are not aware, trademarks are part of the Intellectual Property Rights. As such, you need to make sure that you’re complying with all the laws and regulations. The process is relatively simple and should only take a few days.

After submitting your application, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOE) will issue a certificate. 

  • The certificate contains the registration number and date of filing, as well as the name of the business and the owner.
  • It also contains information about the trademark itself. 
  • Once approved, the trademark can be used to sell goods and services. 
  • It’s important to be clear about the product or service you are selling. If it’s a product, you’ll need to specify the name of the product or service in the trademark application. Once the trademark is registered, you’ll need to pay the final registration fees.

The next step in trademark registration in the UAE is to conduct a trademark search. If your trademark has already been used by someone else, you can’t register it. However, there are tools that can help you do this online. There are some additional requirements, but they are completely worth it. To get started, follow these steps. Check whether your trademark is available to register in the UAE. You must check the availability of your trademark online before submitting your application. Moreover, you must make sure that your trademark is not already in use by another company.

In the UAE, you can register a trademark by using a symbol, word, or combination of words that is unique and representative of your company or product. Trademark registration is essential for protecting your brand, as you can’t allow others to use your trademark without your permission. Moreover, it helps you distinguish your product from competitors. The Ministry of Economy oversees trademark registration in the UAE. You must register your trademark in UAE if you want to sell products and services to residents of the emirate.

Once you’ve completed all the legal steps to register your trademark, you must pay the trademark registration fee in the UAE. 

How Much Does it Cost to Register a Trademark in Dubai, UAE?

There are several steps involved in trademark registration in Dubai. During the first stage, you must search for a suitable trademark, select appropriate assets and pay the necessary fees. Trademark registration experts will assist you with the entire process from preparing the application form, legal translations, fee payment and other documents. Once you’ve submitted the documents and paid the fees, your trademark registration application will be evaluated by the Ministry of Economy. You will receive a notification once the application is approved.

The fees for trademark registration include application fees and service fees. It covers up to 20 items per class. If the products or services in your application exceed 20 in each class, an additional USD10 is required. The government fee may change without prior notice. Applicants must provide identification proof and a power of attorney. Alternatively, the company can hire a trademark lawyer. To save money, you can complete the application process online.

Trademark registration in the UAE costs approximately AED 8,259, which includes fees for translation, publication in the official journal, and the Trademark Registration Certificate. You can complete the process online through the Ministry of Economy’s website. The application is reviewed by the Ministry of Economy and may be rejected if it contains incomplete information or incorrect details. If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision and modify your trademark to reflect the changes.

UAE trademark registration fees were among the highest in the world, but the Ministry of Economy has recently reduced the fee by 33%. While the UAE is a significant market for international brands, the UAE has a strong regulatory and enforcement process that helps protect your brand. It is worth the time and effort to register a trademark in the UAE. You can also avoid legal issues by taking advantage of the UAE’s streamlined process.

Previously, the official fees for trademark registration in the UAE were among the highest in the world. The UAE government responded by introducing a list of reduced service fees and waiving parallel import complaints. The nominal fee for trademark registration has been reduced by 33% from AED 10,000 to AED 6,700. This is equivalent to about $2641 for a standard-sized trademark application. So, before you choose to register a trademark in the UAE, make sure you do your homework before making a decision.

In addition to researching the trademark registration laws, you should also conduct a trademark search. You may want to engage the services of a trademark consultant if you have any doubts regarding the process. The registration process in the UAE can be time-consuming, so it is advisable to hire a trademark consultant. This way, you can focus on running your business, not on filing a trademark application.

Trademark registration protects the profile of a company and its reputation. Trademarks can be a company name, logo, or other similar features that identify a product or service. Trademark registration not only protects the reputation of a business, but it also protects its name from competitors. If the competition is stiff, it is imperative to have your own trade mark to avoid infringement lawsuits.

How to Register a Trademark in the Dubai, UAE?

Can an individual register a trademark in the UAE? Unlike the EU and other countries where trademark registration is mandatory, the UAE allows individual registration. If you are interested in registering a trademark in the UAE, read this article to learn more about the process. Upon completion of the application, you’ll receive a certificate containing the trade name, the name of the owner and a description of the trademark. The trademark is valid for 10 years, after which it must be renewed. Once registered, a trademark will protect the owner’s brand in seven emirates in the UAE.

There are six steps in the process. 


  • The first step toward trademark registration in UAE is to verify the availability of your logo. The Ministry of Commerce will check if any logos similar to yours are registered. If there are, you may skip this step.
  • In the next step, you must submit a copy of your old registration certificate. If you don’t have a copy of your logo, you may choose not to fill out the application form.
  • Upon approval, your application will be reviewed by the relevant authorities. Within a month, you will receive a certificate confirming that your trademark is officially registered in the UAE. The application must be notarized, contain your full name and address, and explain what goods or services you are selling or providing. You can also use your trademark as security on a loan. In addition, you can sell or license your trademark if you need to.
  • Once you’ve done this, you can file your application with the Ministry of Economy. You must complete a trademark search to ensure that your trademark is not already in use. Check whether your trademark matches any existing trademarks in the UAE. If there is no one else using the same trademark as yours, then you can proceed with filing your application. If the search turns up with no results, you can use the online tools to make sure that your chosen trademark is available.
  • Upon approval, you must pay the registration fee and receive a certificate. In the case of a rejection, you can appeal the decision or make changes to your application. If your application is approved, the Ministry of Economic Affairs will publish your trademark in two national newspapers. 
  • Once it has been published, you have 30 days to respond to any objections or concerns that may arise. After this, your trademark is officially registered in the UAE.

A trademark is a name, symbol or logo that is unique to a particular company or product. The UAE’s trademark laws provide special protection against infringement for these unregistered trademarks. Although the UAE Trademark Law doesn’t specifically state what constitutes a trademark as “well-known,” courts have set precedents for this designation. A trademark acquires international renown, and the degree of recognition it enjoys among the relevant populous.

How Long Does It Take to Register a Trademark in the UAE?

Whether you are launching a new business or attempting to protect your existing brand, you may be wondering how long it takes to register a trademark in the UAE. While the process is lengthy, it can be made faster by ensuring your trademark application is accurate and complete. Follow these tips to speed up the process. The first step is to make sure your trademark is unique and not already in use. Using an online tool to cross-check existing trademarks will help you avoid any unnecessary delays.

After submitting the application form and paying the fee, the Ministry of Economy will issue a certificate with details on the application and the trademark. The certificate will include the registration number and date, the name of the company and owner, the trademark, and the list of goods, products, and services that the trademark covers. A copy of the certificate is needed to prove the validity of your trademark in the UAE. Once the trademark is approved, you will be notified via email and in writing of the approval.

Once you have the trademark approved, you will need to complete the necessary paperwork and pay the required fees. The UAE’s trademark registration fee is AED 5000 (USD 1360). If you are seeking to protect a product or service, however, you can apply for a UAE trademark through Global Resources. In addition to filing the application, they will deposit the documents necessary for registration. Once approved, your trademark will be registered within three to six months.

Once the application has been approved, the authorities will then review it and confirm that your trademark is registered. It will also contain the certificate of Trademark registration. Before filing your application, you must have a power of attorney legalized at a UAE consulate. You must also have legal power of attorney endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you are unable to file the application yourself, you can hire an attorney to do so.

If you are wondering how long it takes to register a trademark in the UAE, you can start by using online tools to check if the trademark you want is available. 

To register a trademark in the UAE, you must fill out a trade mark application that contains the following information: the name of the applicant, the mark, and the class, the statement of goods and services, the local representative, and priority information. Finally, you must include a translation of the mark. The registration process can take anywhere from three to five months. The filing fees are US$1,866 excluding taxes. There are also professional fees, which depend on the firm that you are using to assist you.

What is the Fee for Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE?

What is the fee for trademark registration in Dubai? A trademark can be any word, slogan, logo, graphic, or device used to identify a business. In addition, trademarks may include software, applications, websites, and even applications themselves. It doesn’t matter what you call your mark – trademark registration in Dubai is a must for securing your brand’s protection. Read on to learn more. And remember, the more trademarks you have, the lower your registration fee will be!

Once your trademark is registered, it will be protected for 10 years. However, you may wish to extend your registration if you wish to continue using the mark for an additional period of time. Moreover, a trademark registration certificate acts as a legal instrument for the protection of your brand. While the registration process seems straightforward, it’s important to note that making an error on the application form can result in a rejection.

Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a certificate of registration from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. This document includes the registration number, the date you filed your application, the name of your business, the name of its owner, and the description of your product or service. After the trademark registration certificate is approved, you’ll receive legal notices of the approval, as well as your trademark’s publication in two national newspapers. If someone objects, they can file an objection within 30 days, but they can still appeal the decision in court.

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